Friday Flim Flam: Daphne Guinness
In other less high priced but no less entertaining
New York City real estate news, haute-glam beer heiress and skunk-haired couture hound and international bon vivant Daphne Guinness has unloaded her wickedly decadent—and formerly leaky—New York City apartment on the 11th floor at 995 Fifth Avenue to an as-yet unnamed buyer for $11,300,000.
As the hard working kids at Curbed noted eariler, the sale price is significantly less than the
$14,000,000 she originally wanted and less less but sill less than the $11,734,719 she paid for the place in April 2008.
interior photo: Thomas Loof for Architectural Digestfloor plan: Corcoran
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Friday Flim Flam: Daphne Guinness
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